Овие денови внимание од Пекинг привлече патеката на која се изведуваа скијачките скокови.
Имено ова е најневообичаеното место од целиот настан затоа што е изградена на место на поранешна фабрика за челик. За многу гледачи глетката е грда, дистописка и постапокалитчна.
Салах руши рекорди! Викендов две големи дербија во Премиер Лига! ↓↓↓
Љубителите на оваа дисциплина и воопшто зимските олимписки игри се навикнати околу местото каде што се одржува настанот да гледаат бели планини и шуми, па затоа кулите за ладење и машинеријата зад рампата беа зачудувачки.
Chinese skiier Eileen Gu struck gold today at the 2022 Winter Olympics. Gu told media that her goal was to foster connections between countries as well as inspire youth to get involved in winter sport.
— Visit Beijing (@VisitBeijingcn) February 8, 2022
📍 Big Air Shougang
📷 王哈男#beijing2022 #eileengu #olympics pic.twitter.com/fUguTcJOUv
Small crowd gathered outside Shougang Park to watch the women’s freeski big air final from a distance. When asked why they were there? Many replied – “For the atmosphere” and of course, “谷艾凌 (Eileen Gu)”! #Beijing2022 pic.twitter.com/AnPkDshlEv
— Olivia Siong (@OliviaSiongCNA) February 8, 2022
For context: public ticket sales to watch the Games on site were scrapped due to COVID-19 concerns. People tell me it’s a pity since it’s rare for the Olympics to be taking place at their doorstep. Many interested to witness the sporting action in person #Beijing2022 pic.twitter.com/OxBG9CZnF0
— Olivia Siong (@OliviaSiongCNA) February 8, 2022
Beijing’s Big Air Shougang ramp was built on top of a former steel mill on the bank of Shougang Qunming Lake as the Games try to expand their reach into extreme sports.
— L.A. Times Sports (@latimessports) February 4, 2022
It is the first permanent big air ramp in the world. https://t.co/Xo1alj5DGz pic.twitter.com/B1rnITjDgp